vendredi 27 décembre 2013

what is Tongkat Tribuana?

Tongkat Tribuana, is way to be with a stick, stick as element of personal exercise, for health, stick as tool for work in group, stick as element/master on "meditation" .....
among many others in youtube

Tongkat Tribuana is part of the 28 lessons of Tribuana way, theater of life. 

there will be open sharing/lesson start in Montreuil, métro Robespierre, may be, in 2014.

Il y aura peut être un partage de voie du TONGKAT en 2014 ....à Montreuil, France, hebdomadaire.
comme cela déjà été de 2003 en forme de Champa Tribuana 

Daily Health Exercise Gym Tribuana n° 90
5 Taoist elements in French

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