updated: 26 march 2018. 21h41
Tribuana Bastone,
La Luna nell Pozzo
workshop Tribuana, Marga Pura
organize by Teatro Invisibile de Padova:
18-21 Aprile 2014, presso Casa S.Stefano di Melara, Italia
Tongkat Tribuana = Kondari Tribuana (greek word) = Bâton Tribuana,= Stick Tribuana = Bastone, ....
What are the "work" in Tongkat Tribuana (Kondari Tribuana?)
Tongkat = Stick (Wood).
Tongkat size: length from feet to third eye (eye brows),
weight: around 1150 gr = 1,15 Kg.
So Tongkat is a personal size, personal character. Tongkat is a "sleeping master", so the Tongkater must awaken its secret, by practicing regularly.
Basic form of stick/tongkat mandala:
Tongkat Tribuana, Granara Workshop Italia, 2010.
Salutation Tongkat Tribuana:
What are the "work" in Tongkat Tribuana (Kondari Tribuana?)
Tongkat = Stick (Wood).
Tongkat size: length from feet to third eye (eye brows),
weight: around 1150 gr = 1,15 Kg.
So Tongkat is a personal size, personal character. Tongkat is a "sleeping master", so the Tongkater must awaken its secret, by practicing regularly.
- Meditation in a sense: stand still erectly vertical, feeling your back bones strait, as a clean direct link between sky and earth, light and matter, GOD CREATOR and all its creation.
- be open, humble, simple & essential in attitude to be able to follow an itinerary / "parcour", a path-way of the stick's flow, as it articulate you, as you articulate/move it. This attitude is a basic condition for "actor-servant" of Tribuana opinion, can be use as guide how to work with mask, with words, with emotion, with character that plays you (you play it ...).
- Exercise for suppleness of muscle, body, mind to be always resistance, re-exist in any situation.
- Work in group, group work. Stick as an object that link you, together to make a mandala, how to keep the form of mandala designed by all stick together. To keep mandala's image, by all participants/actors making movement, dance, sing in improvisation. be in joy, to enjoy.
- work in making rhythm together or alone, rhythm beat per minute (bpm), as a circular form of stick movement that create cyclic count, rhythm to enjoy.
- With 3 stick, 3 peoples makes triangle,
- Group of 4, make square,
- 5 peoples, makes pentagon
- 6 peoples can be considered as 2 group of 3, or 3 group of 2.
- etc.
He ask me also, who is the master? What is his/her name? I simply point out the stick.
it was in 1987 ..... if my memory still good.
Yes, "stick" (Tongkat, Kondari, bâton) is the master. Answering so by reflex, I realized that i am just a servant, the one that serve the will of the master: "THE STICK, TONGKAT, O KONDARI, BATON, ....".
Based on this attitude, a sticker /a Tongkater/ o Kondari, must follow "something invisible" that produced by Tongkat. What movement stick does? Movement that determine by your imagination. For instance, the 2 points of a stick makes circle vertically. To maintain this circular movement of a stick, actor behave as a holder, as articulator, being articulated by the stick. This state of being, active & passive and attentively & continuously serving, maintain the continuity of movement of the stick, actor/manipulator must be as flexible as possible. A rigid strait direct stick will tell you to behave flexibly. This is the art of survival, always ready to serve the "will" of the stick, that is circular movement regularly.
Then, start a work, a long ....long journey of smiling exploration, a life time enjoyment. We try the best we can, joyfully, in music / singing within action.
In 2003 I start opening a space of sharing, in Montreuil, after few weeks theatrical workshop I conducted for Actors/actreeses in Paris. Some participants ask me to continue the workshop, Tribuana workshop, so I offer free sharing in little park in Montreuil, CHAMPA TRIBUANA,
there are some video in youtube. Klick here
Here below are images for references/guiding your daily exercise in Tongkat.
Enjoy to follow attentively the "will of the stick when it swing"
image of 2003, at a little park 146 rue de Paris, Montreuil ... now there you find Modern Art Building of Mairie de Montreuil.
Tongkat is lesson number 8 , among 28 Tribuana lesson, in school Tribuana of life....
Le Tongkat, c'est un exercice (une art, modestement nommé ainsi) pour travail en soi, sur flexibilité, sur supplesse, sur santé, sur bien être car dedans il y a le travail d'échauffement, un peu de "méditation" avec le bâton, immobile, il y a aussi un travail de mouvement enchainé à la base de mouvement court.
La naissance de cette art, c'est au tour de 1987, lorsque je pratiqué souvent seul le bâton, après la séance de tai chi au parc des Buttes-Chaumont à Paris avec Monsieur Toi ... (un maitre chinois).
J'ai donc eu visite et question d'une personne me demandant:"qu'est ce que c'est que vous pratiquer? Comment s'appelle-t-il?"
j'ai dit:" c'est du bâton, l'art du bâton"
"comment s'appel le maitre? "
j'ai dit:"bâton, c'est lui le maitre, le bâton."
En disant ainsi, j'ai réalisé que je suis le serviteur, qui servir la volonté du bâton.
Donc, pour un/e "Tongkateur/Tongkatrice", la parole guidante c'est: "je suis celui qui suis"
A partir que vous prenez cette phrase sacrée qui guide, vous n'avez qu'à suivre......, le voyage de bonheur se passera naturellement.
Cet repère, quelqu'un qui disponible de suivre, est une bonne voie pour un acteur tribuana de théâtre; celui qui suit "quelque chose" (une histoire, une caractère) ... l'art de servir, de survie.
Le travail de Tongkat, pour aussi effet de rendre plus souple et résistante le poignée ... effet souple digestion
La longueur du bâton c'est du pied/sol - sourcil /3ème oeil, en bois, diamètre 35 mm.
Et, ce voyage m'a offrir beaucoup de découvert des voies intéressante, .... travail d'étirement, échauffement, méditation début en Tongkat, travail de groupe, travail de rythme, des kata long mouvement, enchainement plusieurs mouvements courts;
L'art du Tongkat, je ne développe pas dans la voie martial pour combat. Il y a plusieurs vidéos dans you tube, en cherchant avec mot: Tongkat tribuana. Bonne découverte, ....pour gouter, peut être au RDV dans le parc au beau temps de printemps.... ici, klick Vidéo.
un autre
Vidéo à cliquer, ici.
To start the work, the exercise, we honor the master, by doing exercise no 1. I called it:
see moment of 17:10 in the video
pour méditation-interrogation du maitre en bâton voir moment 17:10 du vidéo de 19:52.
In this exercise, the bottom of stick is hold between 2 hands,
maintain the stick vertical with out help of fingers of both hand,
breath deeply,
open both hand so the stick will slide down vertically,
catch the right moment that when the stick just almost/before touching the ground,
as close as possible (one millimeter for ex.)
stick should not touch the ground.
notice your comment (exclamation) in mind, when you success or fail
releasing the stick 3 times.
This exercise will calm you down, at least will give you the mirror of your state, how cool you are, or how nervous you are.
The aim of this exercise, Tongkat pondering (meditation) is : not loosing your balance, your calm in any condition of life.
worth to read the 18 chapter of Bhagavad Gita.
To Listen Bhagavad Gita, in English, klick here
2 hours 39:39
pour écouter Bhagavad Gita entier en Français,
cliquer ici SVP 3H07m35c
see moment of 17:10 in the video
pour méditation-interrogation du maitre en bâton voir moment 17:10 du vidéo de 19:52.
In this exercise, the bottom of stick is hold between 2 hands,
maintain the stick vertical with out help of fingers of both hand,
breath deeply,
open both hand so the stick will slide down vertically,
catch the right moment that when the stick just almost/before touching the ground,
as close as possible (one millimeter for ex.)
stick should not touch the ground.
notice your comment (exclamation) in mind, when you success or fail
releasing the stick 3 times.
This exercise will calm you down, at least will give you the mirror of your state, how cool you are, or how nervous you are.
The aim of this exercise, Tongkat pondering (meditation) is : not loosing your balance, your calm in any condition of life.
worth to read the 18 chapter of Bhagavad Gita.
To Listen Bhagavad Gita, in English, klick here
2 hours 39:39
pour écouter Bhagavad Gita entier en Français,
cliquer ici SVP 3H07m35c
This salutation has 3 song/pray:
exercise 3
warme up 1.
In warming-up exercise, a posture in rhythmic movement, counting 1,2,3,4 ....
on 1,2,3, breath in
on 4 breath out
(for instance)
Exercise 4
warmup 2
Exercise 5
warmup 3
turning sky & earth
Putar langit bumi
Exercise 6
Pranayama past future
Pranayama lalu depan
In this exercise, we follow (by eyes look) one edge of the stick for one and half circle;
then next circle, start with looking other edge/point of the stick,= it always start with look front edge.
picture MT01-MT11
Exercise 7
cangkul ladang
split mountain
Exercise 8
pedang nunchaku
basic nunchaku exercise.
Exercise 9
sibak langit tancap bumi
sweep cloud, stab down
exercise 10
sweep cross knee
sapu, silang lutut
Ecercise 11
meniti garis waktu
steping the bridge of time
Exercise 12
catching the point, and turn/circling
menangkap ujung, dan melingkar.
In this exercise, start with catching one end, launch-up, cathc other end, ....then turning the stick by holding one end. Working on flexibility of the wrist.
In this exercise, start with catching one end, launch-up, cathc other end, ....then turning the stick by holding one end. Working on flexibility of the wrist.
Exercise 13
between 2 wall
diantara dua dinding
in this exercise, the circle of the stick is making two plane, front and back.
In the case the itinerary of the stick fix in one plane, the tongkater/actor must move forward and backward. Constant speed ot the circulation is to maintain.
Exercise 14
putar kiri-kanan
swing circle left-right
Exercise 15
around the shoulder
keliling bahu
exercise 16
flying monk
pendeta layang
Stick can be used to massage shoulder, fore arm, .... etc. to discover by oneself.
I'm Chiara Natalino, I would like to share this conversation with Tapa Sudana.
RépondreSupprimerChiara: Hi Tapa! I have a question. How can I improve my concentration?
Thank you for your attention.
Tapa: Concentration, con centro, where is the center, youmust find yourcenter of interest, one pointed mind, then you will be with the point of interest = con centro concentration
Chiara: Thank you so much
Tapa: Interest on something, musical instrument for instance, then you will ork everyday passionately on that instrument, on what is your interest.
there are exercise in Yoga, called Tratak. Sit quietly, cool, breathing deeply, profoundly, slowly, regularly, lit a candle in front of you, and concentrated on that candle light.
Chiara: I have a problem of attention. Sometimes I go away with my mind as if I wasn't here
Tapa: Exercise this as long as you can do in a peaceful mind
Chiara: I'll do. Thank you
Tapa: concentrate your mind on one point, then it will be there . but do it step by step.
interest is important
Chiara: Ok. I'll try slowly.
Tapa: with no interest nothing will last for good, no result in a work. Doing one thing continuous ly is basic, if you want to get a good result in work, in your life.
disciplin is one way too
Chiara: Thank you so much. I'll tell you what will happen.
Tapa: try everyday, even a short time, regularly, if possible the same time repeated
Chiara I'm not able to stay where I'm with my mind. Bastone è il mio maestro.
Tapa: because body as time in life (day, month, years are repeated) need something regular to maintain a good health.
Con Bastoné, it will channel you in a way A WAY for a good time. if you dont listen to the bastone, bastone will tell you,
Chiara: Thank you for your words. I'll take them in my mind.
Tapa: look my blog of tongkat, i just updated it again now. http://tribuana-tongkat.blogspot.fr/2013/12/tongkat-tribuana-tapa-sudana.html
Ok. I'm going to have a look.
(second part)
RépondreSupprimerTapa: ha haaaa, take in maind, and tribuana told you: take in 3 part of your self: mind terest=energy of life=emotion, and body = action
Thank you really
Tapa: look to learn in order to EARN
no learning no earning
Chiara: Mens sana in corpore sano
Tapa: ha haaaa
Chiara:I need to discover again the importance of my body
Tapa: i learn that latin sentence when i was a child in Bali
Chiara: So nice
Tapasudana: TRIBUANA : Way of life, Way of pondering, of perception, of expression and inner mastering
Actor from Bali, Indonesia live in France since 1974, born in Bali 1945, contact: tapasudana45@gmail.com ; Créateur Serviteur émetteur de http://theatretribuana.blogspot.com/2008/05/eveiller-et-cultiver-lexpression-des.html
Chiara:I'm going to have a look
We have only ONE LIFE, don't waste it
Chiara: It's true.
The best doctor is the life.
Tapa: if a group of people want to continue the work, ask Marcello, or Marsia (?) who take care of the space where we work, to spread the idea, i would like to have the list of those 20 participants ...
I mean those who interested
of course ther are some ONLY come for culriousity
Chiara:I'll ask to Marzia o Marcello.
Tapa: yes best doctor is life, but do PONDER: what type of life one have, you have
a serious work need continuity
Chiara: I need to improve myself and my life. I need to live
Tapa: i just exposing 2 freshly up dated blog in my Facebook Timme line
Chiara: It's the reason because I have started the work with Lucia Sardo and then with you.
Tapa: yes, you are right, what you need to improve, very simple, tribuana count only 3 parts, ha haaa
find a master for each one, of one for 3, haaaaa
to know a master, tribuana offer you 34 parameter, find in Google : Master Consideration Tribuana
Chiara: I need to work on my soul and body
Tapa: i am happy to continue my lessons for you here in FB
anyone interest can join this chat
Chiara:Thank you so much. I'll ask to the others
Tapa: oh not exactly free: you must pay with tribuana "money": interest, time, intelligence, continuity , hé héééé
Chiara: Ahah ah
Tapa: the secreat of a master in: doing it regularly everyday, like eating, sleeping, awakening ..
Chiara: It needs to be continue
Tapa:if you type master consideration tribuana in Google, you find this: http://tapasudana.blogspot.fr/2006/01/masters-considerations.html
Tapasudana: Master's Considerations Tribuana
Actor from Bali, Indonesia live in France since 1974, born in Bali 1945, contact: tapasudana45@gmail.com ; Créateur Serviteur émetteur de http://theatretribuana.blogspot.com/2008/05/eveiller-et-cultiver-lexpression-des.html
Chiara: I'll take it in my mind and I'll do right now
Tapa: so you can examine what and how a master behave with his disciples/students
Chiara:I'm reading
It's interesting
Tapa: wow... it is a pleasure to have a student with such anthusiasm like you Chiara Natalino
Chiara: Thank you
It's a pleasure for me
Tapa;let's have a break until here for now, except if you still have question
Chiara;I'm really happy for your attention
Ok for the break
Tapa;look time to time, the blog of Tribuana Catania, it will be updated with new notes of participants
Chiara: Ok, l'll look.
our conversation can be a good interview to share
you see, a master is awaken by intelligent and anthusiastic student
and vice versa
I think the same
to channel one mind, one activity in one streamm, that is also a linear concentration
there are also spheric concentration = awareness, path/way to consciousness
It's a first step for me